Product & Services
- Tangled Pin
- Bar Code Printing
- Card Sorting
- Thermal Printing
- Pin by SMS
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
- Advisory for Microsoft licensing
- Independent Software Vendor
- Concept Review
- Network Architecture
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
- Platform as a Service (PaaS)
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- E-Commerce
- POS Driving
- ATM Driving
- Closed Loop Payment Schemes
- Domestic Payment Schemes
- National Payment Schemes
- International Payment Schemes
- ATM Maintenance and Services
- POS Terminal Infrastructure
- Automated Maintenance and Services (AMS)
- SMS Notification
- Airtime (mobile top-up)
- Bill Payments
- Loyalty Programmes
- Reporting
- Chargeback
- Reconciliation
- Detective Post Analysis
- Alerts
- Stock Management and Reporting
- Card Mailing and Packing
- Indenting
- Embossing
- Laser Engraving
- Card Printing Methods
- Contactless Stickers
- Contactless EMV Cards
- Contact EMV Cards
- Full Personalisation
- Pre-Personalisation
- Activation Code
- PIN Printing in Envelopes
- PIN Management
- Data Preparation
- Loyalty Programmes
- Contactless Cards
- Contact EMV Cards
- Credit Cards
- Closed Loop Cards
- Business Cards
- Multi-Currency Cards
- Multi-Account Cards
- Virtual Cards
- 3D Secure
- Prepaid Cards
- Centralising Payments
- Centralising Credit Back Office
- Centralising Retail Back Office
- Support for Process Centralisation
- Document Management System
- Letters of Guarantee
- Letters of Credit
- Documentary Business
- Domestic Money Transfers
- International Money Transfers
- Online Connectivity to Quipu Processing Centre
- Card Service Fee Management
- Card Administration
- Card Application Support
- Cards on Instalment
- Revolving Cards
- Charge Cards
- Credit Cards
- Card Module Advanced
- Card Module Basic
- Framework Agreements
- Overdrafts
- Credit Limits
- Credit Lines
- Variable Rate Loans
- Seasonal Loans
- Bullet Repayment Loans
- Constant Principal Loans
- Annuity Loans
- Provision Calculation
- Related Parties and Client Groups
- Arrears Management
- Credit Products Monitoring
- Collateral Registration
- Repayment
- Disbursement
- Decisions
- Applications
- Credit Products for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
- Risk Management
- Loan Cycle Management
- Lending Module Advanced
- Lending Module Basic
- Domestic Cheques
- International Cheques
- Biometric Identification
- Signature Pads
- SMS Notification
- Utility Payments
- Package Offers
- Cheques Management
- Foreign Exchange Operations
- Deposits and Withdrawals
- Cash Terminal Management
- Term Deposit Accounts
- Savings Accounts
- Current Accounts
- Cash Terminal Operations
- Account Management
- Customer Registration
- Retail Module Advanced
- Document Management & Internal Organisation
- Trade Finance
- Money Transfers
- Card Operations
- Lending Operations
- Debit Cards
- Retail Module Basic
- Retail Operations
- Agency Banking
- Mobile Banking
- e-Banking
- Cloud Services
- Infrastructure
- Licensing
- Card Personalisation
- Fraud Management
- Value Added Services
- Customer Support
- Switching
- Acquiring
- Issuing
- Electronic Channels
- Core Banking Application
- Treasury
- Accounting
- Data Warehouse and Analytics
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- How soft launches are game changers for launching digital products
- Bringing the Next Generation of E-Commerce payment gateway to life
- Why early adopter programs are key to launching digital products?
- Our path to agile: latest news about our training sessions
- The role of Information Security in the Banking Industry: Trends and Insights
- MVP and how to create products that add value
- Redefining account opening with Digital Onboarding
- Transforming payments with instant solutions
- Opening of a new HIVE location in Skopje
- Enhancing the payment experience with Google Pay
- An award to our resilience
- Banking for start-ups: serving a constantly growing market with technology that matters.
- Honouring achievements – 20 years of Quipu
- Taking payments to an international level x Baobab Bank
- Quipu, ProCredit Bank and MasterCard provide free co-working space to support startups and freelancers
- The cashless society - a future designed today
- The cashless society and e-commerce – are we there yet?
- Join us! Our summer internship is in Skopje this year
- Quipu supports Garmin Pay and Fitbit Pay implementation in Banco ProCredito Ecuador
- Adjusting banking to the new reality - from traditional to cloud banking in 2020
- 3D Secure 2.0 (EMV 3DS) - The next generation of e-commerce authentication service
- E-commerce – an increasingly safe way in which to keep in touch with your customers
- Digital Channels for your safety
- Card payments for your safety
- Going digital for your safety and the safety of others
- Our Commitment to Support You Throughout COVID-19 Pandemic
- Quipu User Group Accra 2018: On the Road to Digital Transformation
- Meet our team and payment experts at Quipu User Group in Accra - present and future of card payments
- The PIN by SMS Service offered by Quipu
- Enhanced Smart ATM Multi-Vendor Solution
- Exhibitors at Seamless Payments East Africa 2017
- High Volume Deposit Service
- Cheque Deposits in ATM
- ATM Withdrawal by Code - making cardless transactions available for bank customers
- ProCredit Holding listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange
- Transformational IT for financial services
- ATM Deposit by Code – a service without a card
- Quipu e-Banking – new loan repayment feature – even more flexible and efficient
- CRM Version 3.0 – Advanced support in Financial Data and Credit Risk Analysis
- Combating Card Fraud
- Senior Application Administrator - Bucharest (25014)
- Bank Relationship Manager - Frankfurt (25013)
- Bank Relationship Manager - Kyiv (25013)
- Bank Relationship Manager - Bucharest (25013)
- MS SQL Developer - Kyiv (25012)
- MS SQL Developer - Belgrade (25012)
- MS SQL Developer - Prishtina (25012)
- MS SQL Developer - Skopje (25012)
- MS SQL Developer - Bucharest (25012)
- DataVault Application Administrator - Skopje (25011)
- DataVault Application Administrator - Bucharest (25011)
- DataVault Application Administrator - Prishtina (25011)
- DataVault Application Administrator - Kyiv (25011)
- IT Operations Manager - Skopje (25005)
- DevOps Engineer – Skopje (25010)
- DevOps Engineer - Prishtina (25010)
- Test
- Service Desk Technician - Skopje (25003)
- DevOps Engineer - Belgrade (25010)